Why You Should Transform Your B2B Business into B2B2C

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For B2B business, it is a challenge to stay relevant and competitive at the same time. Enter B2B2C strategies.

Before the evolution of e-commerce, you know what used to be a big pain in the a** ? Buying furniture.

Less than a decade ago, if you wanted to buy a piece of furniture there was only one way to do it, the buyer would have to go to a furniture store, check out some of the furniture, select the best one according to their needs, and work with the sales rep to coordinate shipping and delivery.

In simple words: Buying a piece of furniture was expensive, time-consuming, and a bit risky.

Well, that problem was completely eradicated. Today if you want to buy new furniture, one-click will have it delivered to your doorstep the next morning. You can try it out for 40-50 days and decide if you like it or not. If you didn’t like it that the furniture will be picked from your house and you will get your money back asap.

That simple.

Big furniture businesses identified the errors and flaws in the furniture buying process and made it simpler. How? By eliminating the middlemen and interacting directly with the consumer. For the very first-time the furniture industry was being propelled by B2C businesses.

As these changes started to win market share, what happened to the big furniture tycoons?

Direct to Consumer Causing Disruption;

Many B2C strategies are dethroning B2B sales not just in the furniture world but also in products like car parts, beverage, home products, etc. Direct selling to consumer channels using e-commerce as leverage removes the supply chain and goes right to the buyer.

For upstarts, the B2C model needs fewer costs, fewer logistics, and fewer disruptions. For consumers, buying becomes more cost-effective and simpler.

So, what is the solution here: Should businesses continue investing in their B2B channel? Or should they go for direct selling to consumers and compete against upstarts?

Use B2B2C Strategy to Stay Competitive:

Transforming your B2B business to a B2B2C business.

When a business comes from b2b roots its nearly impossible to eliminate that channel because there is a lot of money, people, processes, and technology invested in it.

So, companies are opening up a new channel- B2C channel, while retaining the B2B operations. Blurring the lines between B2C and B2B allows the organization to transform digitally, maintain innovation pace and capitalizing on more revenue opportunities.

But Starting a new channel is one thing. Doing it nicely is another.

By using this technique anyone will be able to increase their revenue drastically, but it is important to note that customer experience is everything and if you do not concentrate on that than there is no use of doing all these changes.


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